Sunday, December 1, 2013

Layers Art Project

The Idea of layers is to incorporate layers into your art! For example: A sculpture of threads or a wall of dolls' heads stacked on top of each other. You can do anything! For my project I made a sheet with layers of gloss medium, colorful things, and eyeballs. I was inspired by Mrs. Koefler last year when I saw she was using gloss medium on the windows and adding neat images and wire to it. I was also inspired by a family friend named Robert Schatte who is an amazing artist! He makes many different things, but one of them that stuck out to me were these interesting walking stick/canes. He would collect these thick branches, sturdy enough for using to walk with, sand them down, dye the wood with vibrant color, make a hole at the top and add a very detailed eye ball, then coat the stick with gloss. I wanted to create these two inspirations into one, but at the same time making it my own. I started by finding a hard glass surface to layer the gloss medium, then I added colorful strips of tissue paper and threads. For the eye ball part I painted wooden balls to look like real eye balls and added thread for viens. Although this project had its challenges, it might be my favorite so far! Things I used to make my project: Gloss medium, different strips of colored tissue paper, threads, wooden balls, and acrylic paints.

 These two pictures are of Robert Schatte's work.

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